A string of stars
2021 marks the 25th anniversary of Africa Foundation’s Community Leaders Education Fund (CLEF) that has to date awarded 915 higher education bursaries to underprivileged youth from rural areas across five African countries.
These have subsequently produced an impressive 533 graduates in a diversity of fields, from drama to astrophysics. With an exceedingly high pass rate of 98%, and 96% of students completing their degree within standard time frames, the CLEF programme and its recipients shine brightly as beacons of hope and possibility for those yet to embark on their tertiary education journey.
Hard-time achievers
Times of adversity reveal the hero in us all. With COVID-19 setting a sombre scene the world over, our communities and universities certainly did not escape the dire effects of the pandemic in 2020. Students were forced into less-than-ideal remote-learning situations in often under-resourced settings.
But CLEF does not only provide partial funding support to its recipients, it also offers invaluable psycho-social assistance, a crucial touch point in these troubled times. In addition to this, students pulled together of their own volition by forming a CLEF student support network and proving themselves as diligent as ever in their pursuit of their future.
Tenacity’s rewards
While 2020 harassed learners at high school with challenging circumstances, resilient and committed youngsters proved their mettle by excelling in their final exams, which paved the way for university acceptance and CLEF eligibility.
419 bursary applications from students in Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa were short-listed to 235 interviews. In adherence with COVID-19 prescriptions, these interviews had to be conducted either virtually on Skype, or in-person, with strict social-distancing protocols in place.
From these interviews for the 2021 study year, 123 students met the selection criteria, and were awarded bursaries: 22 more bursaries than were granted in 2020, with a neat 50:50 gender split.