Never before, at least not in this lifetime, have travellers had such incurably itchy feet. Finally (albeit gradually), borders are reopening, flights are resuming, neglected suitcases are being packed, and travellers are finally (re)satiating that overwhelming desire to leave home and explore the unknown.
Our fernweh is at an all-time high. As opposed to homesickness, fernweh, which literally means far-sickness (fern meaning far and weh meaning pain), is an ache or longing for distant places and an insatiable craving for travel. An affliction we can all relate to right now.
As each country starts to ease restrictions, travellers are rushing out to feed their fernweh, reclaim their post-lockdown freedom and get lost in the enchanting, uplifting and sorely missed world of travel.
Undecided on where to go or what to do? Here are 10 ways for travellers to reclaim their time and recharge those depleted soul batteries.