Gain a glimpse into the bygone lives of royals at the magnificent Amer Fort and marvel at the ancient art of hand printing at the Anokhi Museum.
The historical Amer Fort resides high on a hill, looking out onto Maota Lake with its colourful garden island. Just 11km (7mi.) from the pink city of Jaipur, the Fort is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in 1593 and fully completed in the 18th century, the Fort boast four quarters, each of which has a private courtyard. True to the style of its time, the Fort features a sandstone and marble design, with massive bulwarks and gates that open onto charming cobbled pathways. An architectural masterpiece, the Fort makes the most of the breeze from the nearby lake by channelling it into the palace and using it as a natural cooling system. The City Palace and the Fort are linked by a concealed passageway, meant as an escape route in case of war. This would allow the royal family and others in the Amer Fort to seek refuge in the formidable Jaigarh Fort, located deeper in the same mountain range.
Within walking distance of the Amer Fort, the Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing is situated in a beautifully restored mansion, or haveli. Dedicated to the history of hand printing, there are displays of block printed textiles, old photographs, antiquated wood and brass tools and other objects that provide a window into this ancient craft. The art of block textile printing can be traced back centuries and is by far the oldest form of textile printing. It was practised across the East by imprinting various patterns onto textiles by means of chiselled wooden blocks. Today, India is one of the largest producers and exporters of block printed fabrics in the world. The museum also houses contemporary textile works, featuring pioneering designs fashioned by talented artisans. The structure in which the museum is housed was carefully restored by expert craftsmen using traditional materials and designs, earning a UNESCO award for Cultural Heritage Conservation.