Frequently asked questions about Galle:
When is the best time to visit Galle?
The best months to travel to Galle are between December to April, as there is little rain so it is relatively dry during these months. However, throughout the year, even during the monsoon months of May to September, there is much to see and do here.
What kind of weather can I expect in Galle?
Galle is on the coast and has temperatures ranging between 23℃ (74℉) to a maximum of 31℃ (87.8℉).
Do I need to wear any specific clothing to enter temples and monuments?
Comfortable clothing and good walking shoes are ideal, as most of the sites around the Galle Fort involve walking. When entering temples and places of worship it is advised to wear long skirts or trousers, and for women cover your shoulders with a shawl or scarf. There should be no hats or headwear, and shoes should be removed.
What languages are spoken in Galle?
Sinhala and Tamil are spoken in Galle along with English.
What is the currency used in Galle?
The Sri Lankan Rupee is used in Galle, and USD, Pounds and Euro will need to be exchanged for the local currency.
What kind of food can I expect in Galle?
Superb, traditional Sri Lankan and international cuisine can be enjoyed.
What safety issues do I need to be aware of?
Sri Lanka as a destination is extremely safe, and therefore Galle does not have any specific safety issues
Is WIFI freely available in Galle?
WIFI is widely available and is able to be accessed at the hotels, guest houses, cafes, and restaurant in Galle and along the south coast
Are banks and ATM’s freely accessible in Galle?
ATM’s and banks are easily available in Galle, but not in some of the smaller towns along the south coast. Guests can change USD to Sri Lankan Rupees at their hotels