He is Africa Foundation’s longest-serving team member. In his initial role, Isaac was instrumental in connecting &Beyond, Africa Foundation and the communities of KwaZulu-Natal, and in developing the methodology that Africa Foundation can be so proud of today.
Isaac had a key role in the development of Africa Foundation’s flagship tertiary education bursary programme, Community Leadership Education Fund (CLEF), which boasts 438 university graduates to date. Isaac was also involved in the development of Africa Foundation in regions beyond KwaZulu-Natal, as the organisation extended into Mpumulanga, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique and East Africa.
The success of key projects such as Mbhedula Craft Centre, Mduku Clinic, the Dev Centre and Nkomo Primary School in KwaZulu-Natal, as well as Emurutoto Water Pan and Olmotonyi Primary School in Kenya, can be attributed to Isaac’s involvement.
Affectionately known as Baba T, Isaac is well respected for his wisdom, experience, diplomacy and comprehension of complex situations. Isaac’s strength is in bringing the alternative perspective to the table and in patiently navigating through community, government and other stakeholder structures in order to ensure that a mutually beneficial partnership is achieved.
Today, Isaac is Head of Methodology, Monitoring and Evaluation for Africa Foundation. His wealth of experience, knowledge and deeply ingrained community relationships continue to benefit the long term growth and future development of the organisation.
As someone who has been with Africa Foundation from the outset, Isaac brings to the table an acute understanding of the mutual dependency between the community, who are a reserve’s first line of defence, and conservation, which drives and supports meaningful benefits for the community.