This is seriously the BEST holiday to share with your loved ones. Whether yours is a family spread over four generations or a small little threesome you are going to have a whale of a time.
3 things that I’ve gathered from looking after all ages and generations both in the lodges as well as tailor making trips over the years are:
Book 3 nights minimum in each destination. Africa is vast and the travel times are long and can be tiring. Even if you’re flitting between lodges in a light aircraft watching Elephant wander beneath you, it can get the best of you if do too many of these. Remember to savor precious moments with one another as well as bask in the beauty and magic of your safari. Its about each other as well as what you’re doing after all!
Your health! There’s nothing worse than feeling under the weather when you travel, and often the long hauls and aircon on planes add to a lower immune function. Boost with Vitamins and lots of water, and if you’re taking anti malarials remember to look after your gut health. They can imbalance your natural flora making you feel queasy and bloated. A good probiotic from Solal or Solgar or another high end brand is easy to pack and add to your daily pill popping routine.
Communication is key here when booking the trip as well as when you arrive at a lodge. The more we know the better! Things like, an elderly member of the family having difficulty getting around is important for us to know so that we choose accommodation close to the main dining areas or if someone is diabetic we can make sure they have a healthy and delicious time! When I was managing Tree Camp, a family I hosted discovered that their matriarch had cancer just a week before their departure. Her daughter in law quietly took me aside and told me about it.
Understandably they were all devastated but decided to come away regardless and make memories to last lifetimes. Later that day I overheard that a dream of hers was to dance with a group of African women. So I arranged for our community choir to come and perform that evening. I then gently coaxed her to get up and join them. I get goosebumps as I write this! She had tears streaming down her face and the biggest smile ever!
So….. just do it! Relax, let go and trust that everyone will be cared for and have a whale of a time!