Renowned as one of Africa’s greatest wildlife sanctuaries, South Luangwa is home to an abundance of game, which frequents the Luangwa River and its oxbow lagoons. The Luangwa River is the most intact river system in Africa and is the life blood of the park’s 9 050 km² (3 500 square miles).
South Luangwa is also the birthplace of the walking safari – one of the best ways to get up-close-and-personal with the park’s pristine wilderness, which boasts 60 animal species and over 400 bird species.
The valley is dotted with waterholes and filled with sunbathing crocodiles and lazy hippos. While out on the plains, visitors can view large herds of elephant, some up to 70 strong, and encounter the mighty buffalo.
Why Visit?
- The South Luangwa National Park is home to the original Walking African Safari. South Luangwa is also one of the premier game viewing destinations in Zambia and throughout Africa. Situated far from any major cities South Luangwa is a remote wilderness experience and doesn’t have the mass of tourism associated with it as some other National Parks in Africa.
- South Luangwa is generally considered to be the finest park in Zambia, set in a broad valley, bordered by the Rift Escarpment and centred on the languid meandering Luangwa river.
- A really rich and diverse range of game is present and very visible, especially along the river during the dry season Jun/Nov.
May – August
Min 20°C/68°F Max 38°C/86°F
Rainfall November – April
Min 15°C/66°F Max 25°C/77°F