Chitwan means ‘Heart of the Jungle’ and a guided walk takes you to the beating source of it. Who can possibly resist the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spot the royal Bengal tiger and encounter one-horned rhinos? Guided by an experienced naturalist, your eyes will be focused on the ground, peering up into trees, prying through foliage and, at times, even looking behind you.
As you meander through dense, lime green vegetation your senses will go into overdrive. Where to look first? Was that a wild boar, sloth bear, gaur (Indian bison), Gangetic dolphin or a gharial crocodile?
A harmonious symphony reveals a beautifully colourful space with a vast variety of birds. Bird watching is best done on foot and our specialists will help you spot and identify the different varieties of birds, both local and migratory, that are found in Chitwan. Your nature walk will focus on plants, animals, animal tracks, birds and insects. An informative show and tell on diverse plant species used for local medicine, cuisine and craftsmanship is truly fascinating.
Added to the extraordinary lush jungle scenery, vivid birds and wild animals are the unique indigenous local people, the Tharus. A professional guide will accompany you through the area as you gather insight into the Tharu way of life.
Submerged deep in the natural habitat of the wild, ensure that you are cautious, respectful and quiet, so as to be able to observe the wildlife and hear it purr, growl, hum, whistle, drone and gibber. It is always a wise decision to follow the instruction of the experienced guide during your walk.