The Black Rhino Range Expansion Project (BRREP) was started in 2003 to counter the dramatic decrease in numbers of black rhino, which led to their near extinction in the 1990’s. The project is a partnership between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Board. It is supported by the Ford Wildlife Foundation.
Project strategy
The essence of this project is to increase the numbers of black rhino by expanding the land available for their conservation to create new breeding populations.
Partnerships are facilitated by WWF with landowners who have suitable protected black rhino habitat, and work with private and community landholders as well as state conservation agencies to identify large blocks of land on which to establish new black rhino populations. The Black Rhino Range Expansion Project (BRREP) team then coordinates the translocation of groups of up to 20 or more black rhino to these sites.