There’s the great big elephant we’re all tired of talking about. You know the one … 2020. The year we all stayed indoors. Six months ago, we heralded the shiny new year, ever-positive. ‘New year, new decade’ and all that. But let’s face it, 2020 just hasn’t been the fresh new slate we were all anticipating.
So let’s talk about the virtual elephant(s) instead. I’m talking about those mighty, real-life elephants (and lions, hyenas, cheetah, leopards and even pangolins and aardvarks) that have been livening up our living rooms thanks to WILDwatch Live. Those elephants have definitely been the saving grace of quarantine life.
If you haven’t been curing the lockdown blues with these twice-daily, three-hour live safaris, you can catch up here. There have been some incredible moments captured, but this has to be my favourite sighting … talk about nerves of steel. And note the two extremely rare white lion cubs – two of the world’s only three naturally occurring white lions in the wild.
So, whether you’re still in some form of quarantine, or whether you’re bracing yourself for some much-needed local travel, this daily dose of Mother Nature is just the kind of uplifting soul food to keep you in that wistful travel state of mind.