As we plod through pandemic life as bonafide work-(from home)-aholics, it’s starting to feel like we’re living (and working) on auto pilot. We have become so programmed to rapidly multi-task between multiple screens and countless platforms that we often forget to take a step back.
The fact that we have so many fitness devices and health apps reminding us when to drink water, to eat the next meal, to take a deep breath and even when to stand up (!), is both worrisome and a reflection of just how crucial our own personal health, wellness and mindfulness have become.
The post-pandemic paradox
The unencumbered joy of travel is that it enables us to disengage the auto pilot and delve (almost) device-free into an exciting new world full of adventures, flavours, interactions and unbridled spontaneity.
Yet many travellers are feeling a post-pandemic paradox: on the one side, a desperate need for escapism, hedonistic adventure and indulging and overloading each and every one of the senses; while on the other, an ever-mindful focus on health, wellness and self-care.
The &Beyond safari experience enables both sides of this paradox, subtly and harmoniously, so that travellers can indulge, explore and live large while maintaining their physical and mental health. These six simple wellness no-brainers ensure the safari is as exciting as it is restorative for the mind, body and soul.